About Run4peace Clothing
Run4peace Clothing
Was started 3 years ago by former military veteran and Philadelphia native,
Antoine Gist
Run4peace Clothing is an anti gun violence clothing line that uses a portion of its proceeds to benefit communities that are negatively impacted by gun violence.
Run4peace Clothing is greater than JUST a clothing brand. Run4peace Clothing is a lifestyle that supports this concept : “Life can be hard, it can stress you out. But before you overreact find your Peace.
Run4peace Clothing is not limited to Philadelphia,but is an international brand working to solve an international problem.
20% of Run4peace Clothing proceeds are donated to different charities, and organizations, Back on my Feet
That combats homelessness through running, and community support. If you know of any other worthwhile charities and organizations that are fighting against gun violence please let us know.
Inspired by the deaths of my good friend Mary R. Pitts Pitts (2015) and Childhood friend Khalilah Adams(2016) both to gun violence Run4peace Clothing encourages...
- Finding Positive constructive methods to solve problems. Through physical activities a higher consciousness can be achieved Such as running ,yoga , bike riding, dance and other forms of exercise.
- Putting Peace at the front of our minds in order to make wise decisions.
- Focusing our efforts on healthy stress relief methods to ourselves and community in order to ensure spiritual growth.
Please donate to this awesome charity.